WPCM Leads


Licenses are yearly subscriptions, you can cancel at any time.

Personal licences are valid for one website, Business licenses for 5 websites and a developer licence is valid for 20 websites.

Developer Kyle B. Johnson
Version 1.0.0
History View Changelog

ADF Leads

Collect customer leads in the industry standard Auto-Lead Data Format (ADF) directly from the listing page.
WP Car Manager ADF Leads Form

ADF Leads

Collect leads in Auto-Lead Data Format (ADF) format directly on a give email address. Your ADF-powered software will be able to parse the leads directly, saving you a ton of time!

What is ADF?

Auto-lead Data Format (ADF) is an open XML-based standard for sending consumer purchase requests to automotive dealerships. Many vendors of CRM systems serving the automotive industry support ADF.

Integrated Form

The ADF Leads extension replaces the default contact method with an ADF Leads form. In this form the users enters their contact data. After submitting the ADF data is send to an email address of your choice.